Pengertian Contract Must Not Be Contrary to the Public Policy Adalah

Pengertian Contract Must Not Be Contrary to Public Policy Adalah: What You Need to Know

In the world of legal contracts, there is a fundamental principle that all contracts must adhere to – they must not be contrary to public policy. This principle is known as “pengertian contract must not be contrary to the public policy adalah” in Indonesian legal language. In this article, we`ll explore what this principle means and why it is important.

What is Public Policy?

Public policy refers to the principles, values, and moral standards that guide the actions of governments and society as a whole. It represents the collective interests of the community and is intended to promote the well-being of everyone. Public policy can be expressed through laws, regulations, and customs, and it influences many aspects of our lives, including the economy, education, and healthcare.

What is the Meaning of “Pengertian Contract Must Not Be Contrary to Public Policy Adalah”?

“Pengertian contract must not be contrary to public policy adalah” is a legal principle that states that contracts between parties must not violate public policy. This principle is designed to prevent contracts that could have negative consequences for society as a whole. Contracts that violate public policy are considered unenforceable and void.

Why is This Principle Important?

The principle of pengertian contract must not be contrary to public policy adalah is essential because it ensures that contracts do not undermine the stability and well-being of society. Some examples of contracts that could violate public policy include those that:

– Encourage illegal activity: Contracts that promote illegal or criminal activities are not only illegal but also harmful to society. For example, a contract to sell drugs would violate public policy because it encourages illegal drug use.

– Are discriminatory: Contracts that discriminate against a particular group of people based on their race, gender, religion, or other characteristic are also considered to be against public policy. For example, a contract that requires employees to provide proof of their religious affiliation would violate public policy.

– Are unconscionable: Contracts that are extremely one-sided or unfair to one party are also considered to be against public policy. For example, a contract that requires a tenant to waive all of their legal rights or sign away their right to sue the landlord would be unconscionable.

In conclusion, the principle of pengertian contract must not be contrary to public policy adalah is an important one that ensures that legal contracts conform to the values and principles of society as a whole. By adhering to this principle, contracts can help promote stability and well-being in our communities.